Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On the Occupants

           Or whatever they're called...occupiers? That's a ridiculous sounding word. Occupy protesters...I was looking for something that was one word. Ugh, for the purpose of this post they--as in the occupy wall street (and every other major--and minor city)--shale be deemed the occupants. It's fitting, and employs the usage of proper grammar to boot. Which isn't always my strong point, but I do appreciate proper grammar more than the average person when it shows itself. But, my rant on the endangers species of amazing grammar is for a different post entirely. I've gotten distracted, bear with me, I apologize.
            But, what I set out to write about was the occupants of the two northwestern cities that I alternate between inhabiting. I'm not going to say the trite "go occupy a job" mantra, but I'm not going to laud their cause either. I'm a bit torn on them as a group, and a movement. I understand where they are coming from; I get it, and I agree, the fact that a majority of the countries wealth is held by big corporations when only one percent of our countries population falls into that category of wealth is not a good set up. It's wrong, and yes, it's corrupt. I completely agree with that, and I also agree with the ideal that something needs to change. I like that. But, at the same time, I kind of like the one percent, they are genuinely nice people a lot of the time (I know from experience; I work for them often in an unnamed high end catering company) And a lot of the time these people actually had to work for the money that they have. And I have never been treated badly by a client, in fact I have always been treated with respect. And, the fact that they give $40 tips doesn't hurt.
              However I don't like the way that the occupants are going about the whole thing, they're making a mess of a great idea by protesting against it in what could probably be called one of the messiest and inconvenient protests ever. And no, they are not to the one percent that they hate, they inconvenience the 99 percent, the ones that they are meant to be fighting for! Not only that, but when they shout and holler and insult the poor people working at their local Bank of America they are not insulting the one percent, no, they are hurting, and frightening people just like them people who are getting paid shit to work in a job that might be run by a corrupt corporation, but people that will not give their jobs up because guess what? It's a fucking job, and that's more than a lot of the 99 Percent have right now, it isn't something that they should be ridiculed for, its something that those bank tellers should be congratulated for. Also, don't sit and shout outside of my downtown shopping center commercial Christmas haven! That is my favorite part of this holiday year, and I don't give a good goddamn if it is a corporate holiday, I will forget that fact for one month of the year because it makes me happy and again, like i said that isn't something that the occupants have no right to rip away from others in the 99 percent. It's just not fair. If the occupants really want to make a change they need to get organized, they need a highly educated and qualified candidate for a government office that supports their cause and that they endorse. Or they need to go straight to their source of government with a petition, or with a letter to their senator saying hey, we're not a bunch of punks complaining, we're a group of people who are prepared to get out shit together an make a change in America. That's not going to happen waving signs about, it'll only happen if they talk to the right people and make the right political moves, cause that's just how America works.
            In short, in the words of my best friend (AKA BFFL) it's a great outline, but a bad essay that the occupants have.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hello, Nice to Meet You

           You can call me S (mostly because I don't think that you need to know my name having stumbled across me on the internet, and all so because I generally just don't go tossing my name around).
           Both my father and my boyfriend told me that I should put my thoughts out there for random awesome people such as yourself to read, and after a week or so of consideration I came to the conclusion that it really couldn't hurt, and might even be a little fun. So, I'm starting a blog, this blog. My father said that I should do a video blog, youtube style, but I always feel like a goof when I talk at no one, so I think I'll be better with the whole writing thing. Maybe I'll post a video someday though, who knows.
           I guess I should tell you a bit about myself, just so all of these random thoughts have some life context, and lets be honest I love introducing myself (but only through writing, if I'm talking I feel awkward as hell). So, here goes: I'm a ninteen year-old girl attending a university in the northwest; I'm majoring in Psychology, and plan on minoring in Sociology, I'll probably be in school for the next six years because I want to get a Master's degree, I'm planning on joining the FBI (yeah, I've got lofty goals, I beleived it when my parents said that I could do anything I put my mind to, and I'm putting my mind to that). I'm an only child as far as human siblings go, though I do have 3 dogs and a tiny serial killer in the form of a cat to share my parents with. I have a thing for clothing, and a love for finding it at amazing prices, and tend to spend an absurd ammount of time doing awesome things to my finger nails so that I don't want to bite them and ruin it. I bake, and cook, and I'm pretty damn good at both. And sometimes when I'm not doing any of that I write. And sometimes it's even good (shameless plug, you can read some of that good stuff here: http://avalanchedevries.deviantart.com/).
             My life is essentally normal for the adverage female college student, but the way I think is just a little off sometimes...or a little humourous to others I guess, and that's really why both the main men in my life (Dad and D [D is the boyfriend]) thought this would prove awesome. And I think they might be right...So, nice to meet you dear reader(s) I hope you decide to stick around; or at least check back every one and awhile.
             That's it for tonight, nothing to riviting, just a set up for what's to come.